Power and renewables

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  • Power and renewables

Energy Industry Insights 2023: Trilemma and Transition

Download Trilemma and Transition, to explore the view from across the energy industry on confidence, sentiment, and priorities for 2023 – drawing on a survey of more than 1,300 senior energy professionals.

  • Power and renewables

Floating wind: Turning ambition into action

Read our new floating wind report to get insights on choosing investment criteria and mitigating risks, choosing a technology concept, the supply chain challenge, making floating offshore wind affordable, cost predictions for 2050 and commercializing floating offshore wind.

  • Power and renewables

Renewable energy integration and balancing in single buyer electricity markets

This paper analyses the current practice of variable renewable energy market integration in a selected number of non-liberalized electricity markets and studies further regulatory options in systems not based on markets.

  • Energy Systems

Future-proofing our power grids

Are power grids ready to support the demands of the energy transition? How will the future power grid be different from today?

  • Power and renewables

Ports: Green gateways to Europe

Ports can play a pivotal role in the world’s decarbonization challenge and provide a blueprint for industries and governments to transition to a cleaner energy future.

  • Power and renewables

Energy Transition Outlook 2022

This 6th edition of Energy Transition Outlook combines our “best estimate” forecast for the energy transition with our “Pathway to Net Zero Emissions”. This year’s forecast to 2050 considers the demand shock of the pandemic and the supply shock that came with Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and concludes that those developments exert little long-term influence over an energy transition that will be rapid and extensive.

  • Power and renewables

2022 Battery Performance Scorecard

Our fourth Battery Performance Scorecard provides an independent ranking and evaluation of battery vendors based on testing performed in DNV’s laboratories.

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