In an era where unicorns and mega-tech companies already seemingly appear overnight, what does the next decade hold for us? That technology development is accelerating is a given, but its digitalized, non-linear and global scale beg the questions: Which technologies matter? How can you optimally prepare for 2030?
View the outlook articles
Letter from the CEO
Remi Eriksen
Remi Eriksen
Group President and CEO, DNV GL
Trust in a technology-enabled future

Ten technology trends, 54 technologies that matter, 21 impact investigations across five global industries. An extensive exploration of the most likely technology developments over the next ten years can be expected of a technology-centric company like DNV GL. Yet we are also a customer-driven company, founded over 150 years ago with a purpose to safeguard life, property and the environment.

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An introduction
Pierre Sames
Pierre C Sames, Dr.-Ing.
Group Technology and Research Director, DNV GL
Introduction to Technology Outlook 2030

What technologies matter? What trends should be closely monitored? How can society and industries optimally prepare for 2030? Our Technology Outlook 2030 explores these questions against the framework of known trends towards 2030.

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Technology Outlook 2030 report cover
Download the Technology Outlook 2030 summary Click here