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Tesla’s Battery Day and the energy transition

Will Tesla’s ‘Battery Day’ announcements accelerate the world's transition to sustainable energy, according to our Energy Transition Outlook to 2050?

  • Automotive and aerospace

DNV helps Fortum sell electrical vehicle charge point business to Infracapital

The part-sale of Recharge AS is designed to accelerate growth plans and infrastructure development.

  • Automotive and aerospace

Optimizing electric vehicle charger siting

The shift to electric vehicles is picking up pace, and with that comes the need for substantial expansion in EV charging infrastrucuture. Optimum locations for EV chargers will help to provide great driver experience, maximise return on investment and minimise the impact on the grid.

  • Power and renewables

2022 Battery Performance Scorecard

DNV’s fourth Battery Scorecard and new online dashboard help to better inform industry decisions on safety and performance.

  • Automotive and aerospace

What matters to consumers in the circular transition?

There is a need to transition to a more sustainable way of life.

  • Automotive and aerospace

Competitive advantage through supply chain resilience

The pandemic has challenged supply chains worldwide.

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